I interviewed for one of those "big jobs" this morning that made me feel both insecure and under-qualified. Then a GIGANTIC grasshopper landed on my steering wheel as I drove to work, causing me to scream bloody murder. Being a silly superstitious person, I of course Googled what grasshoppers "mean." Apparently, grasshoppers symbolize good luck and abundance.
I loathe associating spirituality with money. I keep my mouth shut when people "pray" for money; I don't feel it's my place to judge. That said, I'll always push back against the concept that privileged people are better than the downtrodden, or that blessings are in any way a reflection of a person's status with God (or evidence of one's virtuosity). To the contrary -- I distinctly remember learning that all saints must sacrifice and suffer. To equate earthly success with holiness is literally the opposite of Christ's teachings. (There are certainly "privileged" people: my friends and I jokingly called them the Blessed. But I do not -- and will never -- believe they are closer to God than some poor kid toiling away at a sweatshop in Bangladesh.)
So, I won't consider this comically large grasshopper a sign of wealth to come, or any of the "blessings" I've had to be evidence of me being supremely aligned with the Almighty -- but rather, a reminder that there is a great deal of work to be done on this Earth, and someone with over-sized luck BETTER be performing over-sized deeds.